Sunday, November 25, 2012

Where is the rule of law in Nigeria? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

Where is the rule of law in Nigeria? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

Watching this has got me thinking, "Has the USA become to self centered to care what happens with the rest of the world?", Now a lot of people will say that the world's problems aren't our problems, but if we are to survive as a country we need to talk with other nations and acknowledge the views of other nations and come to terms with them in a peaceful alliance that's what the UN is suppose to do, but we can't depend on the UN to help us forge relationships with other nations cause not all nations are members of the NATO alliance we need to start looking towards other ways of dealing with nations and the world in general. I want to know your thoughts on this leave them in the comments, and how would you forge relationships with other nations if you were the leader of your respective country.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gary Johnson Radio Ad: Be Libertarian With Me

Gary Johnson Radio Ad: Be Libertarian With Me

Vote for this guy

Monday, October 22, 2012

America Under the Control of the Banks

Right now the United States is under the control of the banks and big business, everyone will say that without business we have no jobs or economy, but that's not true we can still have an economy even without businesses because as of right now President Obama is puppet of Big Business and the banks if Obama wants to breakaway from the hold of Big Business and the banks he needs to do so now before it's too late and even then I think it will be too late for him to escape the hold of Big Business and the banks, but I think it's his plan to play along with Big Business and the Banks and then fuck them over in the end. That is just my guess on what he's going to do. I want people to do their research and bomb the feds with the TRUTH and show them that WE the American People can not be paid off to shut up and obey we are not slaves to the Almighty Dollar only those who are rich are slaves to Money.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Love You...Even Though

When couples fight a lot they think it's over and there is no hope for the relationship, but sometimes all you really need to do is say to them, "I Love You, Even though...(Insert Flaw Here)..." and this can be said for couples as well, because it shows that you love them even if they are "flawed". When two people are in a relationship it's like a full-time job and you have to work to keep it together and maintain that "spark" that made you fall in love with your partner. If you you don't work or even try then the relationship will fail and you'll be alone and nobody wants to be alone, but remember that love is a two-way street and if you both aren't working at it then it's bound to fail. How do you keep the relationship going you need to talk with your partner everyday and listen to every word they say, because one day you will be tested and if you fail that test then everything changes and it becomes harder to maintain the "spark" that started your relationship, the other thing you need to do is trust your partner because if you don't have trust you don't have love, and the last thing you need is to be truthful to your partner that means don't lie for any reason. If you follow what I just said then your relationship is likely to be successful and will provide you with happiness for as long as you're together.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Same Difference

A documentary film about LGBT youth in schools across the country and how they are treated while in and out of school and how they deal with it the makers of the film are making it because there isn't a lot of films out there that show kids who are homosexual or bisexual that there are others out there like them. This film needs to be made and spread across the country to schools everywhere and I will spread the word on this movie so more people know about this movie and I advise you to do the same to get the word out about this movie so if you would like to help spread the word then go to "same difference Press Kit PDF file" , this will make a lot of difference in the lives of LGBT youth if you would like to donate then click here and give what you can to help them out. Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory(COGIATI)  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Movie Review "Pariah"

Just watched this movie it was great and had a really good storyline; I'm not going to say to much about the movie because I don't want to give away the ending or any major plot point in the movie so I'll keep this review short.

The plot of the movie is of a girl who is trying to find her sexual identity and herself, it is set in New York City and that's all I'm going to say about that if you want to more about the plot watch the movie.

The acting in the movie was nicely done and Adepero Oduye gave a convincing performance as the main character Alike(pronounced{A-leak}) and the supporting characters all brought the story together nicely and made everything flow like a calm river, there wasn't any part of this movie that I didn't like. This movie should be nominated for an Oscar and an Emmy or whatever other awards there are out there.

I give this movie 10 out of 10 and it is a must see if you haven't already.

Monday, March 12, 2012


I want to talk about bisexuality and that it's not a phase nor is it a way for bi women to turn on straight guys nor is it that a man is saying he's bisexual because he doesn't want to admit that he's a homosexual now I will admit that there are some gay men that are so afraid of people might say if they are gay the same goes for some women who only kiss other women to turn a guy on or get free drinks in bars. If you ask any bisexual person what bisexuality is and you will get the same answer from all of us because we have the ability to fall in love with both sexes and we see the world as it is. There are some bisexuals that like one sex more then the other, but that doesn't make them any less bisexual that me because I like both sexes equally, but I'm at a crossroads in my life because I think I have feeling for an old friend, but I won't know till we both have time to reconnect and catch up. Bisexuals have our own issues and we share issues with gays and lesbians and the transgender community. Then there is infighting within the community and it needs to stop if we're ever going to be equal.

Friday, January 20, 2012

SOPA -- What It Is And Why It’s Bad | Fox News

SOPA -- What It Is And Why It’s Bad | Fox News:

'via Blog this'

This is something that will effect almost all bloggers here on if you blog about entertainment news or if you use blogger to post video blogs or vlogs, if this law passes then a lot of blogs and sites could WILL be shut down for the littlest thing like if you make a video to post on YouTube or Blogger and somebody outside is playing a Lady Gaga song or some other song you could get sued to take the video down and this being called bad by FOX News is saying something, because I don't agree with everything Fox News reports on when it comes to government issues with them being a Conservative news station in all. This is also suppose to make people buy more music and movies instead of downloading them from sites like and thinking about movies this law would be the end of Netflix's online streaming movie service and would lose them a lot of money, because where most of America is glued to portable devices like iPods/iPads, Android Smartphones and don't like to wait for something to come snail-mail in order to watch it. I think the movie industry should just be happy people are watching the crap they put in their movies if they want people to spend more money on movies, they should make movies that are worth $10 admission the theaters are charging to movie goers for a movie that is just okay or not bad, now I'm not saying that all movies are crap there are some exceptions that are really good and "The Twilight Saga" is not one of them.