Monday, March 12, 2012


I want to talk about bisexuality and that it's not a phase nor is it a way for bi women to turn on straight guys nor is it that a man is saying he's bisexual because he doesn't want to admit that he's a homosexual now I will admit that there are some gay men that are so afraid of people might say if they are gay the same goes for some women who only kiss other women to turn a guy on or get free drinks in bars. If you ask any bisexual person what bisexuality is and you will get the same answer from all of us because we have the ability to fall in love with both sexes and we see the world as it is. There are some bisexuals that like one sex more then the other, but that doesn't make them any less bisexual that me because I like both sexes equally, but I'm at a crossroads in my life because I think I have feeling for an old friend, but I won't know till we both have time to reconnect and catch up. Bisexuals have our own issues and we share issues with gays and lesbians and the transgender community. Then there is infighting within the community and it needs to stop if we're ever going to be equal.