Tuesday, December 20, 2011

LGBT "Coming Out"

I'm probably going to get a lot of static for saying this, but this is just my two cents on the matter of "Coming Out". I think anyone who is apart of the LGBTQ community doesn't have to tell the whole world about their sexual orientation, because I believe that they can be "out" and not tell the whole world as long as they know who they are and who they love, I'm Bisexual and I don't introduce myself as "Hi my name John and I'm bisexual", because no one has to know your sexual orientation unless you're planning on getting involved with someone or it's your choice to tell everyone you know which is fine, but in my option causes a lot of problems. The main problem is that some of us are to out there for people who are not apart of the LGBTQ community, and that is from what I've seen in pictures of the Pride Parades, it's no wonder people think we're deviants when they see people dancing around in just underwear, wings, and a halo or walking around in a gimp suit. I think if we looked a little more respectable then people would take us more seriously in our cause. There is coming out to parents and other family members which is always a good thing to even if it causes problems with your family they will come around even if it takes years to do so, but family will always love you no matter what is said or done.