Sunday, February 14, 2010

Health Care Bill

The current health care bill is not the one Obama proposed when he was running for president, when Obama got into office the republicans changed the whole health care proposal so it looks like you have to get the government option, but in realty you don't cause President Obama said it time and time again, that if you are happy with the health care you have then you don't have to switch your health plan. When and if the plan passes I'm going to stay on my current health plan cause I live in Massachusetts where we already have uni-health care, but I think Obama needs to look at Massachusetts as a model for "his" plan. That is just my opinion.

The words pagan and paganism and how to quote on quote come out to your loved ones

Just a video about the words pagan and paganism as labels and about kids and teens saying there "Pagan, Wiccan, ETC..."