Sunday, November 25, 2012

Where is the rule of law in Nigeria? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

Where is the rule of law in Nigeria? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

Watching this has got me thinking, "Has the USA become to self centered to care what happens with the rest of the world?", Now a lot of people will say that the world's problems aren't our problems, but if we are to survive as a country we need to talk with other nations and acknowledge the views of other nations and come to terms with them in a peaceful alliance that's what the UN is suppose to do, but we can't depend on the UN to help us forge relationships with other nations cause not all nations are members of the NATO alliance we need to start looking towards other ways of dealing with nations and the world in general. I want to know your thoughts on this leave them in the comments, and how would you forge relationships with other nations if you were the leader of your respective country.