Sunday, May 29, 2011

Young Girls

Whenever I go to a park, mall, beach/ pool, or some other place I can look around and see little girls as young as nine years old and they're wearing something that young girls in the 8o's & 90's, I remember seeing this girl about twelve years old at Wal-mart in Florida and she was wearing these short black shorts that were so tight and short that they showed the whole shape of her "feminine area", when I saw her the first thing I thought was "how could her mother let her leave the house like that", but some parents these days let their kids run them, so I just want to tell them if your not going to teach your daughter self-respect then that goes to show people how much you respect yourself; mothers the best thing you can teach your daughters and sons  is self-respect. Fathers don't think about you, because you could do the same thing while also teaching them to respect the generation that came before them by making them say "Yes Sir/No Sir" and "Yes Ma'am/No Ma'am" and "Thank You/No Thank You", and some fathers need to man up and take care of their kids, but that's another blog for another time.