Monday, June 06, 2011

About this Blog/ Your Story

I wanted to let everyone know that I'm not here to entertain you, I am here to inform you about yourself and what  you do to your body and mind and how your messing it up with all this religious bullshit and can not see that all paths lead to God or whatever you believe in. I will not conform to your views on how I should act and how I should present myself to people, because if they don't like it then I could care less what the fuck they think about me; because that's the problem with society today everyone cares about what other people think about them and only do good deeds because it makes them look better and gives them some kind of hubris feeling of self-worth, now I'll admit that there are a few people out there that do good deeds just because, but it's not enough to move forward as one race then we must all be accepting of other people no matter what they believe in even if it's a rock, tree, Goddess, or God. This is blog is not for me, but it's for you the readers and future readers in the years to come. This is not a blog for Big Business and I will not lie to you I will always give it to you Str8 for this will be "Talk You Can Trust". This not blog for hate speech or anything else for that matter this is a blog for YOU. Tell me anything and everything for I will listen and allow you to get negative feelings off your chest, for I am that shoulder for you to cry on I will rid  you of you deepest fear and never tell you that what you did is your fault, because I believe that "Everyone Has A Story" so with that being said I want you to tell me your story, but don't do it for me or anyone else do it for you then I want you to take that video or letter to yourself and put it somewhere you can see it and everyday look at it and say that I don't want to be that person anymore, I want to be more than that person, I want to be all of me, and I want my life to be simple and have no puppet master pulling my strings and telling me what to do. I want you to remember this phase and say it everyday when you wake up in the morning "I'm not who I'm trying to be". This will serve as a reminder of why you're doing this.