
Welcome to the new anti-bullying page where I will post links to anti-bullying websites and other informative websites, but the first thing I want to discuss is that people whom are bullied sometimes never tell anyone about it because they have no support and nowhere to turn so they sometimes fall into a deep depression and eventually end up killing themselves or others IE-"Columbine High School Shooting", now I'm not saying that all students or kids who are bullied will go and shoot up the school or place of the bullying incident. I just don't get why kids bully other kids because they are different from them, but it's our differences that make us human. Some parents say that if more schools had uniforms then bullying would go away, but that's not true having uniforms only solve the problem of the way people dress type of bullying and not the other form of bullying like see list below:

  • The way kids act
  • The way people talk
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Transgenderism
  • Transsexualism
  • Popularity
  • Hair Style
There are few teachers who try and help people who try to help students who are bullied, not because they don't want to, but because sometimes when a teacher helps a student the bullying incident only gets worse. Because teachers are not trained to deal with a bullying incident, what I think needs to happen is that schools need to start hiring trained professionals to help deal with bullying, but those kind of professionals don't exist yet, that's why I'm starting a foundation to raise money to train people on dealing with bullies if you want to help out just use the donation link on the front page or use the app below.