Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Birth Of A Transgender Movement in Russia

Yay for Russia, let help them out by sharing this as much as possible for the the sake of equality within the world for this will be the rise of the transgenders.

TAKE ACTION: Devastating New Research on LGB Teen Health

TAKE ACTION: Devastating New Research on LGB Teen Health

This is something that needs to be said people it doesn't matter if your gay, str8, bi, lesbian, transgender, pansexual, transsexual, or even asexual you need to get the word out about because if LGBT youth are bullied more often then str8 youth, and when LGBT youth are bullied it's far more violent then it is with str8 youth. The bullying that happens with str8 kids is mostly teasing and taunting and very rarely is it ever violent. while on the subject of bullying, I want to say to any kid out there who is being bullied that they need to speak up and let a teacher know, but I know that sometimes telling a teacher doesn't work and only makes it worse, but that is still no reason to not tell the teacher if something like this is going on

Four Reasons to Speak Up about Bullying,
  1. So the teacher know whats happening
  2. A teacher may be able to help
  3. So next time it happens the teacher will be on watch for it
  4. It might stop
The best thing I can tell you is to stand up for for yourself and I don't mean start a fight with then, what I mean is show them that your not easy pray. But back to the main topic, what I want everyone to is click the link at the top of this post and write your senators with the pre-written form and some your support for the issue I also ask you to write your senators about an anti-bullying bill that will help with the issue at hand. Because America is government of the people the Deceleration Of Independence says "We The People" and that means the American people run the government not congress or the senate, but we do. So I want to start a campaign called "The National Speak Up" which I will be making a Facebook and Twitter page for , and I will post it up ASAP in a link so you will know about when it's done.