Monday, October 22, 2012

America Under the Control of the Banks

Right now the United States is under the control of the banks and big business, everyone will say that without business we have no jobs or economy, but that's not true we can still have an economy even without businesses because as of right now President Obama is puppet of Big Business and the banks if Obama wants to breakaway from the hold of Big Business and the banks he needs to do so now before it's too late and even then I think it will be too late for him to escape the hold of Big Business and the banks, but I think it's his plan to play along with Big Business and the Banks and then fuck them over in the end. That is just my guess on what he's going to do. I want people to do their research and bomb the feds with the TRUTH and show them that WE the American People can not be paid off to shut up and obey we are not slaves to the Almighty Dollar only those who are rich are slaves to Money.

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