Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Love You...Even Though

When couples fight a lot they think it's over and there is no hope for the relationship, but sometimes all you really need to do is say to them, "I Love You, Even though...(Insert Flaw Here)..." and this can be said for couples as well, because it shows that you love them even if they are "flawed". When two people are in a relationship it's like a full-time job and you have to work to keep it together and maintain that "spark" that made you fall in love with your partner. If you you don't work or even try then the relationship will fail and you'll be alone and nobody wants to be alone, but remember that love is a two-way street and if you both aren't working at it then it's bound to fail. How do you keep the relationship going you need to talk with your partner everyday and listen to every word they say, because one day you will be tested and if you fail that test then everything changes and it becomes harder to maintain the "spark" that started your relationship, the other thing you need to do is trust your partner because if you don't have trust you don't have love, and the last thing you need is to be truthful to your partner that means don't lie for any reason. If you follow what I just said then your relationship is likely to be successful and will provide you with happiness for as long as you're together.

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