Friday, January 20, 2012

SOPA -- What It Is And Why It’s Bad | Fox News

SOPA -- What It Is And Why It’s Bad | Fox News:

'via Blog this'

This is something that will effect almost all bloggers here on if you blog about entertainment news or if you use blogger to post video blogs or vlogs, if this law passes then a lot of blogs and sites could WILL be shut down for the littlest thing like if you make a video to post on YouTube or Blogger and somebody outside is playing a Lady Gaga song or some other song you could get sued to take the video down and this being called bad by FOX News is saying something, because I don't agree with everything Fox News reports on when it comes to government issues with them being a Conservative news station in all. This is also suppose to make people buy more music and movies instead of downloading them from sites like and thinking about movies this law would be the end of Netflix's online streaming movie service and would lose them a lot of money, because where most of America is glued to portable devices like iPods/iPads, Android Smartphones and don't like to wait for something to come snail-mail in order to watch it. I think the movie industry should just be happy people are watching the crap they put in their movies if they want people to spend more money on movies, they should make movies that are worth $10 admission the theaters are charging to movie goers for a movie that is just okay or not bad, now I'm not saying that all movies are crap there are some exceptions that are really good and "The Twilight Saga" is not one of them.

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