Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Government Shutdown and A Libertarian Future

Whit this shutdown of the United States Government I think the future of American Politics is with the Libertarian Party and other so called 3rd parties in the US political system. What I want is for all Libertarians to stand up and run for Congress seats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate and become major player is the United States Political System and show the American people the government still works for them and is looking out for them I feel like running for Representative of Massachusetts to the House so I can prove that the House can come to a real compromise that is not for the good of the good of the party, but for the good of the people what does the party have to do with anything in the people's lives. Because the the people of the United States deal with the real problems of America. That is why I think the future of American Politics lays with the Libertarian Party, we are the future of American Politics, we are the solution to America's problems, we are the only party that still cares for the American People. I call for all Libertarians run for office in their state and in the federal government we need to prove to the American People that the government works for them not against them. With this shutdown of the US Government it is the perfect time for us to get the Libertarian party in the spotlight of American Politics, we have to show that we are the future of the American Political System and that we work for the American People. This shutdown is just the Republicans(Tea Party) trying to make President Obama look bad, and now that they caused the shutdown now they are playing the game of  "Oh Shit, What have we done we need to fix this.", because they know that they are Screwed in the 2014 and 2016 elections where it stands right now a lot of people have lost faith in the Republican Party because of the shutdown because they don't like the ACA or "Obamacare", you didn't see Democrats try to shutdown the government when they didn't get the tougher background checks for Gun Control, the way I see it in the future is the Democrats will be the House majority and Libertarians will have a strong minority in the House, but what I want is for Libertarians to hold a majority in the House and the Senate we need to work for the American People to bring America back to being a nation of freedom and justice for all, it's still "WE THE PEOPLE" right.

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