Saturday, August 31, 2013

President Obama Speaks on Syria

I am glad that he is asking congress to debate and vote if their should be a military intervention on Syria, so my option is that they should vote no on a military intervention and ask the President to wait for a UN Security Council Resolution on the issue of Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons, but if it were up to me I would lead the way and ask the UN Security Council to return a resolution and get more countries to vote for it and support it. We the people of the United States need to find a common ground and support whom ever is in power weather or not you voted for him, because the only way to keep Syria's Civil War from spilling beyond their borders is for the world to unite with middle-eastern countries to help the Syrian people find some kind of peace even if it means splitting the country in evenly between all forces involved in their civil war. I want to here what you all think should happen in Syria.      

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