Sunday, October 13, 2013

Decreasing the US Debt Limit

 The idea of raising the debt ceiling is like give someone with a gambling addiction money the only thing that they are going to do with it is use it up till it's gone again. I want to give congress back the full power of the purse as stated in:

Article. I.
Section. 7.
All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States: If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.
Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill. 

as you have just read all bills for raising the revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. In 1798 and for approximately 130 years after, Congress had to act each and every time before the US Department of the Treasury could borrow money, meaning that Congress would have to approve each individual Treasury auction of bonds, bills, or notes. Which I think was made that way to keep this from happening, but since World War I, Congress has allowed the Treasury the ability to manage the federal debt in an "efficient and cost-effective" manner. We can see where that has got us I will work to bring the practice of Congress approving each and every Treasury auction.    

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Andrade 4 Congress 

I am running for the US House of Representatives for the State of Massachusetts

Some of the issues I care about are listed below

1. A Smaller Government that allows it's citizens to make their own choices as long as their choices don't harm the life of their fellow citizens.

2. A Congress that will look after and listen the people who have voted them into their office.
A healthcare system that will improve the current healthcare marketplace, by making changes to or repealing/replacing the PPACA to something that gives US Citizens better protection and options when it comes to healthcare by allowing them to seek alternative healthcare options like, but not limited to an Herbalism, Holistic living, Magnet therapy, Rebirthing, Massage therapy, Medical acupuncture, etc.. while some people may not agree to these types of healthcare options there are people who practice these options and people who receive them and they have the same right as anyone else to seek these options the same as someone who goes to a normal healthcare provider.
I think that the congress needs term limits, to limit the amount of time that congressmen or congresswomen serve in the US Congress the term limit would be fair as to only allow a congressmen or congresswomen to serve for four 3 year terms with the option to run again after a two year break from congressional campaigning.
The budget of the federal government is spending more than it brings in on unnecessary military bases around the world when only a few are needed to defend our allies and our interest around the world, and closing the unnecessary military bases would free a a lot of revenue for the US people to help with other programs within the United States.

The US doesn't need laws like the USA Patriot Act and NDAA which take away the rights of US Citizens and gives agencies like the CIA and NSA the right to spy on US Citizens without a warren or probable cause, so these laws need to be amended or repealed/replaced with something more forgiven to legal US Citizens. 

One of the principals our country was founded on, but as of right now there is a lot of red tape that someone has to go through in order to be move here legally and contribute to the US economy, I want to make it so it's easier for people from other countries to become legal US Citizens without all the red tape.
There is nothing that says compulsory schooling works, what I would do is fix the broken education system by telling the DOE that each and every school gets in funds equally to the sum of $70bn to use on educational supplies only and that each school in america can raise extra money how they see fit e.g.(if they wanted to charge a tuition or collect money from fundraisers). And I will make it easier for parents who to teach their kids themselves to be able to.
There are clean energy solutions to every problem in America be it Solar, Geothermal, Wind, Hydro-Electric, and in terms of Gasoline there are alternatives like Bio-Diesel, Hydrogen, Electric.
Right now the economy is being held back by the Federal Reserve which I will work to abolish and bring back the free market economy that the founding fathers wanted which would grow the economy by allowing states in this union to print and use their own currency and value it based on the US Dollar which will be worth more if the US stop printing it for a while an example of this would be Germany after WW1 when the new government of Germany started printing too much money and the value of the German dollar fell because it and other factors.
It would be easier to secure the "homeland", if the US didn't have so many unnecessary military bases around the world, and closing those bases would bring the troops home and be able to secure by know that if something happened inside the borders of the United States we would be able to respond in a timely manor to defend our country.
The life-blood of this great nation which they should be treated as such, by increasing the amount of pay they get when they're finished with their tour of duty and make it easier for them to get veterans disability if they have been proven to need it.
Why is this an issue these days, every american has the right to do as they please in their our homes and lives as long as with they're doing is not a hazard to anyone else or interferes in someone else life. Legalize Gay Marriage across the country because the government has no right to tell two people who love each other that they can't get married, but also recognize the rights of religious groups who don't agree with members of the same sex marrying each other by giving them the option to turn down same sex couples if they choose to do so, while also making civil unions of same sex couples have the same rights as marriage. I would also fight to make it illegal in all states to not offer a job to or fire transgender people based on their gender identity. While also making it illegal to fire or not hire someone based on their sexual orientation.
I will work to abolish all taxes and replace them with one national tax rate that covers everything instead of a small mountain of taxes which in turn would allow working Americans to keep more of their hard earned money and be able to afford basics of life and a little extra.

One of the principals our country was founded on, but as of right now there is a lot of red tape that someone has to go through in order to be move here legally and contribute to the US economy, I want to make it so it's easier for people from other countries to become legal US Citizens without all the red tape.
There is nothing that says compulsory schooling works, what I would do is fix the broken education system by telling the DOE that each and every school gets in funds equally to the sum of $70bn to use on educational supplies only and that each school in america can raise extra money how they see fit e.g.(if they wanted to charge a tuition or collect money from fundraisers). And I will make it easier for parents who to teach their kids themselves to be able to.
There are clean energy solutions to every problem in America be it Solar, Geothermal, Wind, Hydro-Electric, and in terms of Gasoline there are alternatives like Bio-Diesel, Hydrogen, Electric.
Right now the economy is being held back by the Federal Reserve which I will work to abolish and bring back the free market economy that the founding fathers wanted which would grow the economy by allowing states in this union to print and use their own currency and value it based on the US Dollar which will be worth more if the US stop printing it for a while an example of this would be Germany after WW1 when the new government of Germany started printing too much money and the value of the German dollar fell because it and other factors.
It would be easier to secure the "homeland", if the US didn't have so many unnecessary military bases around the world, and closing those bases would bring the troops home and be able to secure by know that if something happened inside the borders of the United States we would be able to respond in a timely manor to defend our country.
The life-blood of this great nation which they should be treated as such, by increasing the amount of pay they get when they're finished with their tour of duty and make it easier for them to get veterans disability if they have been proven to need it.
Why is this an issue these days, every american has the right to do as they please in their our homes and lives as long as with they're doing is not a hazard to anyone else or interferes in someone else life. Legalize Gay Marriage across the country because the government has no right to tell two people who love each other that they can't get married, but also recognize the rights of religious groups who don't agree with members of the same sex marrying each other by giving them the option to turn down same sex couples if they choose to do so, while also making civil unions of same sex couples have the same rights as marriage. I would also fight to make it illegal in all states to not offer a job to or fire transgender people based on their gender identity. While also making it illegal to fire or not hire someone based on their sexual orientation.
I will work to abolish all taxes and replace them with one national tax rate that covers everything instead of a small mountain of taxes which in turn would allow working Americans to keep more of their hard earned money and be able to afford basics of life and a little extra.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Government Shutdown and A Libertarian Future

Whit this shutdown of the United States Government I think the future of American Politics is with the Libertarian Party and other so called 3rd parties in the US political system. What I want is for all Libertarians to stand up and run for Congress seats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate and become major player is the United States Political System and show the American people the government still works for them and is looking out for them I feel like running for Representative of Massachusetts to the House so I can prove that the House can come to a real compromise that is not for the good of the good of the party, but for the good of the people what does the party have to do with anything in the people's lives. Because the the people of the United States deal with the real problems of America. That is why I think the future of American Politics lays with the Libertarian Party, we are the future of American Politics, we are the solution to America's problems, we are the only party that still cares for the American People. I call for all Libertarians run for office in their state and in the federal government we need to prove to the American People that the government works for them not against them. With this shutdown of the US Government it is the perfect time for us to get the Libertarian party in the spotlight of American Politics, we have to show that we are the future of the American Political System and that we work for the American People. This shutdown is just the Republicans(Tea Party) trying to make President Obama look bad, and now that they caused the shutdown now they are playing the game of  "Oh Shit, What have we done we need to fix this.", because they know that they are Screwed in the 2014 and 2016 elections where it stands right now a lot of people have lost faith in the Republican Party because of the shutdown because they don't like the ACA or "Obamacare", you didn't see Democrats try to shutdown the government when they didn't get the tougher background checks for Gun Control, the way I see it in the future is the Democrats will be the House majority and Libertarians will have a strong minority in the House, but what I want is for Libertarians to hold a majority in the House and the Senate we need to work for the American People to bring America back to being a nation of freedom and justice for all, it's still "WE THE PEOPLE" right.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

President Obama Speaks on Syria

I am glad that he is asking congress to debate and vote if their should be a military intervention on Syria, so my option is that they should vote no on a military intervention and ask the President to wait for a UN Security Council Resolution on the issue of Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons, but if it were up to me I would lead the way and ask the UN Security Council to return a resolution and get more countries to vote for it and support it. We the people of the United States need to find a common ground and support whom ever is in power weather or not you voted for him, because the only way to keep Syria's Civil War from spilling beyond their borders is for the world to unite with middle-eastern countries to help the Syrian people find some kind of peace even if it means splitting the country in evenly between all forces involved in their civil war. I want to here what you all think should happen in Syria.      

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Stream - Big Tech is watching

Who's watching you online and what are they doing with it, who do you trust Google or the Government?

Chime in with your opinion on the subject.

I think it's just fine to a point as long as they don't use illegally

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Hot mixtape

Honey Cocaine - Thug Love @QueenHoneyC




  • 1.Outta Pocket Shit (Intro)
  • 2.Money Murderer [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 3.Brooklyn To Compton [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 4.Middle Finger [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 5.Chichi Get The Yayo [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 6.Really Really [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 7.Bullet 4 U [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 8.Heartache (Skit)
  • 9.Until It Hurt [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 10.A Little Ham [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 11.Bad Gal [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 12.Runaway Bride [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 13.All White Choppa [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 14.Fake As Fuck (Skit)
  • 15.Hold Some Nuts [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 16.Me N My Toolie [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 17.That Wonton [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 18.Don't Push Me [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 19.Asians On The Map [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 20.No Grind No Pain [Prod. By Dkevrim]
  • 21.Hold It Down (Outro)
  • 22.(Bonus) Bitch [Prod. By Dkevrim]

Monday, February 25, 2013

Iraq to Mali: The changing calculus of war - Empire - Al Jazeera English

Iraq to Mali: The changing calculus of war - Empire - Al Jazeera English

After watching this video it has got me thinking, "What is the war on terror?" and "Where do we go from here as a nation how do we bring  the troops home without leaving a really big mess and civil war among another nation, so I ask you this do we hold other nations responsible for the actions of splinter group of people and how do we know if a another country is working with them. We don't, that's my answer now I want to what you think and keep it clean.