Tuesday, December 20, 2011

LGBT "Coming Out"

I'm probably going to get a lot of static for saying this, but this is just my two cents on the matter of "Coming Out". I think anyone who is apart of the LGBTQ community doesn't have to tell the whole world about their sexual orientation, because I believe that they can be "out" and not tell the whole world as long as they know who they are and who they love, I'm Bisexual and I don't introduce myself as "Hi my name John and I'm bisexual", because no one has to know your sexual orientation unless you're planning on getting involved with someone or it's your choice to tell everyone you know which is fine, but in my option causes a lot of problems. The main problem is that some of us are to out there for people who are not apart of the LGBTQ community, and that is from what I've seen in pictures of the Pride Parades, it's no wonder people think we're deviants when they see people dancing around in just underwear, wings, and a halo or walking around in a gimp suit. I think if we looked a little more respectable then people would take us more seriously in our cause. There is coming out to parents and other family members which is always a good thing to even if it causes problems with your family they will come around even if it takes years to do so, but family will always love you no matter what is said or done.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Movie Review [X-Men: First Class]

The movie I'm going to talk about is X-Men: First Class, which in some people's opinions was the worst X-Men movie to date, but while there are some scenes in the movie which I think didn't go with the plot of the whole movie, but other than that I found the movie really enjoyable. The actor James McAvoy did a great job playing Charles Xavier, and Michael Fassbender also did a great job playing Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto it made the film look as if they were shooting a documentary about mutants, which isn't a bad thing it made the movie really believable and realistic which you don't get from many movies these days, because most movies I've seen are over done pieces of shit where the trailer for the movie is better than the movie itself which in turn makes you spend your hard earned money on a movie that was over hyped by the trailer. This movies' trailer didn't do that at all as you will see below. 

X-Men: First Class Trailer

As you saw in the trailer if you watched it and didn't just skip over it to read the next part it wasn't over done nor did it give you expectations of things that were going to be awesome and then after you saw the movie, you didn't come walking out of where ever you saw the movie at saying, "what the fuck where was the scene when they where standing in front of the destroyed CIA building.", this movie will not have you saying anything like that the only thing you'll be saying at the end of this movie is, "WOW, I have to see that again.", the is that good in my opinion. Flaws of the Movie Well the only thing I found wrong with this movie is the scene in which you had Huge Jackman who played Wolverine in "X-Men, X-Men 2,and X-Men United, and X-Men Origins: Wolverine", in the scene McAvoy's and Fassbender's characters walk into a bar and Jackman gets one line in the movie which is "Go Fuck yourselves." as if he already knew what they where gonna ask him, I think they should have had them go to the bar and ask him to join the group first then tell them "Go fuck yourselves". The other problem I had with this movie is the fact that Kevin Bacon was in it, I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but Kevin Bacon kind of brought the movie down and the reason I say that because Kevin Bacon shouldn't do action movies like Johnny Depp shouldn't do children's movies, Kevin Bacon should stick to Drama and romance movies. Basically he should do movies that have very little action in them and he'll be find. In my opinion you should go see this movie and bring your friends and family along, because this movies is fun for the whole family.


Overview (Source IMDB) 

Overall Rating: 9.5-10 
Acting: 7-10 Action 
Sequences: 9.8-10 
Attention to Detail(Comic to Screen): 9.9-10 
Length: 132min 
MPAA Rating: PG-13 
MPAA Reason for Rating: MPAA Rating Description(Links to IMDB) 
Box Office Information Budget: $160,000,000 (estimated
Opening Weekend: $55,101,604 (USA) (5 June 2011) (3641 Screens) 
Gross: $146,405,371 (USA) (25 September 2011) 


Movie Details 

Country: USA Language: English | German | French | Spanish | Russian

Release Date: 3 June 2011(USA)

Also Known As: X-Men: Primera generaciĆ³n 

Filming Locations: Englefield House, Theale, Reading, Berkshire, England, UK See  

Technical Specs: Camera Panavision Panaflex Millennium XL, Panavision C-, E- and G-Series Lenses, Laboratory EFilm (digital intermediate) Technicolor, UK Film length (meters) 3597 m (Portugal, 35 mm) 3597 m (Sweden) 

Film negative format (mm/video inches) 35 mm (Kodak Vision3 200T 5213, Vision3 500T 5219) 

Cinematographic Process: Digital Intermediate (2K) (master format) Panavision (anamorphic) (source format) Printed film format 35 mm (Fuji) D-Cinema 

Aspect Ratio: 2.35 : 1

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Being a grown-up (Fatherhood/Manhood)

I want to talk about how some preteen and teen boys think that the more girls they have sex with the more of a man it makes them and there is a slang phrase I think started with young black boys and it goes something like this "Did you bun her" or something like that and I think it means something about getting a girl pregnant and that's really sad if it does mean that, if not can someone knows what it means please tell me in the comments. So that being said I want to tell all of the young boys out there who are sexually active to stop having so much anonymous sex or to at least always use a condom, also to all the young boys out there who are still virgins there is no shame in being a virgin, so don't let your friends/classmates pressure you into having sex for the first time and don't believe all the myths about sex, just wait until you meet someone who you really love, but when I say love I'm not talking about "puppy love", I'm talking about real love, the kind of love where when you're away from your boyfriend/girlfriend it feels as if you can't live without them. About true love you can only know if it's real when you are a real man and that means you know when it's time to stop doing all these childish actives and grow up, like if you smoke Marijuana, Weed, Purple Haze, Blueberry, Mary Jane, Spongebob, Seven Second, Bubble Gum, or whatever you call it you have to know when to put it down and take care of your responsibilities and if you had unprotected sex and your girlfriend is carrying your child, scared or not don't run out on your child man up and be a father to your child, I know most boys and girls reading this are from fatherless homes and most of the boys reading will not know how to be a father because their father wasn't there for them, but you should know that the girl is just as scare of making a mistake as you are so remember it will come to you, plus you can always ask your parent(s) for help I'm sure your mothers will help you, so don't be afraid to make a mistake and there are plenty of agencies in your city & state to help you learn before the child is born and most High Schools in the United States have programs to help as well. And to all the sexually active girls out there who need to stop trapping boys by saying that you're pregnant and you're not or saying that some other boy's child is theirs when it's not just because you want them to be the father of your child, it's not right, because girls you don't need a boy to help take care of your child as I said before just ask your mother to for help she'll help you and of course you'll get a lecture about how you should of just stayed a virgin and none of this would have happened speech, but that's to be expected so don't let that stop you from asking for help. As for the boys who are reading this don't suspect that all girls lie, give them a chance to show you their true colors, but they will not show in just a few days you have to show them that you're a real man and to anyone out there who does have children, be something that your own father wasn't and be there for your child(ren) and teach them right from wrong, respect for themselves and others, teach them to respect their elders. Because just doing those things will make you a better man, but the way I see it young boys and girls need to focus on being young and going to school and collage if that's a part of your plan for your life. Being a man is more than just having your own place or your own car, it's being able to decide and make the right choices for your life, because you could be living with your mother and be more of a man than some who does have their own house and car. Now I'm not saying that having those things are bad, because if you do then good for you, but don't put yourself on a "high horse" because you do. Having a car can show you who your real friends are. The reason I wrote this is because I want to inform people that being a man is a mentality and based on what you own or how much money you make, try making a tough choice for once in your life and never think that you know everything, because there is always more to learn and from the strangest people you could meet up with in the future as you get older. Always remember those who came before you.                            

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Movie Review: Unstoppable

I probably the last one to review this movie, but I have to say it's a really good movie. So unlike some reviewers I will not be placing spoilers in this review, but even if I did it would not mess the movie up one bit, because this is the kind of movie you can watch over and over again and never get tied of seeing it, yes the movie is that good. To begin the movie is based on true events, and right now your great another "Lifetime Movie", but that is not the case here. The movie starts off slow and doesn't look like much, but that is just to introduce the main characters and lead you into the action, which is how it happened in real life Denzel Washington and Chris Pine did an amazing job in their roles as two railroad employees, lets just say that if they weren't actors they would probably be working for a railroad company, because their acting was that good really believable. The other thing I liked about this movie where the camera angles every shot was framed perfectly to capture what was going on in the whole shot. The lighting just right in every shot as well, like when they were inside train's cab it wasn't over lit or under lit, it just looked as if they were in a real train, which they probably were, but just on a sound stage or some place of the sort. The script was well written, so the dialogue really allowed you to followed the movie even if you weren't watching it directly, I don't know how anyone could just listen to this movie, because I couldn't take my eyes off the screen for a minute. This movie will have you on the edge of your seat especially during the middle of the movie where from then on it's non-stop action until the end. There is only one thing wrong with the movie and that is the song they chose to close the movie out which is a song called "Work", I think Ozzy Osborne's "Crazy Train" would've been a better pick to close the movie out with, because I have no idea how shaking their "thang(ass) like a donkey or swinging from a pole like a monkey" would've helped in the situation at all, but that's just my opinion leave me a comment with your thoughts on the movie.

My Rating for the movie
I have to give this movie a 9 out of 10 for not doing complete research on how a real life train company would've handled the situation, but other than that the movie is great and a must see. To the director Tony Scott next time you do a movie about anything train related talk to someone who works CSX in the "front office" and ask them how they would handle a situation like that, because most train companies will not release the names of employees involved until after their internal investigation was completed.


Unstoppable Trailer

Unstoppable Closing Song(Producers Choice)
Written by Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliott (as Melissa Elliott), Ciara (as Ciara P. Harris),
Marcella Araica and Nate "Danja" Hills
Performed by Ciara (feat. Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliott (as Missy Elliott))
Courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.
By Arrangement with Warner Music Group Film & TV Licensing

Unstoppable Closing Song(My Choice)

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Du Er Ikke Alene (You Are Not Alone)---(1978)

The film shows the story of life on a Danish boarding school for boys in the seventies. The focus is on the conflict between the headmasters old fashioned view of life and the much more liberal views of the boys. At one point the boy Ole is expelled for hanging pornographic pictures in the bathroom, but the boys won't let him be expelled and unite against the old fashioned views of the headmaster. Finally the teachers have to let Ole stay. We also follow Bo (15) and Kim (12) who is the headmasters son. They become very intimate and even though it is clearly more than just a friendship it is portrayed in a very innocent manner. There relationship is not portrayed as a struggle with sexual identities, but rather as something natural. They do not hide it from the other boys at school who seem to consider it normal.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Legislation: Assembly approves bill to require textbooks and history lessons to include contributions of gays - latimes.com

Legislation: Assembly approves bill to require textbooks and history lessons to include contributions of gays - latimes.com

First California then the word, we need more LGBTQ books in the classroom to educate people about the community and what we're about and that we're just like everybody else and are only looking for somebody to love and care for the rest of our lives it's not about sexual perversion and finding the next "fuck". It's always been about love and be accepted as a whole like everybody else hell the KKK get more respect for what they believe in then the LGBTQ community, even though no one likes it they still respect their right to assemble and not many people protest their rallies as much as they protest the rallies of the LGBTQ community you would think the hate is a more important issue to try and stop. Than two gays or women getting married. I'm bisexual I like girls more, and could care less what someone else does in their bedroom, because it their business and no one else's. I know that some of you are not going to like what i'm saying here, but frankly I don't give a fuck what you think just as I have the the right to say this you have that same right to say what you feel about this post.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Your Story

In this video I want people to tell the world and me their stories of how they became the person they are I want people to tell all of their trails and tribulations from childhood to adulthood and in between. I then want people to go back and watch the video they just made and then make a new video of how they where able to get over those trails and tribulations where they able to pass all the tests thrown their way, if they where not able to pass all tests, why was that and what stopped them from passing the test and how they overcame the roadblock in their way. Because this will be a video project for you to look back on in 20 years and say that they made a big improvement in their lives and there is nothing more that they need to improve on hopefully.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Birth Of A Transgender Movement in Russia


Yay for Russia, let help them out by sharing this as much as possible for the the sake of equality within the world for this will be the rise of the transgenders.

TAKE ACTION: Devastating New Research on LGB Teen Health

TAKE ACTION: Devastating New Research on LGB Teen Health

This is something that needs to be said people it doesn't matter if your gay, str8, bi, lesbian, transgender, pansexual, transsexual, or even asexual you need to get the word out about because if LGBT youth are bullied more often then str8 youth, and when LGBT youth are bullied it's far more violent then it is with str8 youth. The bullying that happens with str8 kids is mostly teasing and taunting and very rarely is it ever violent. while on the subject of bullying, I want to say to any kid out there who is being bullied that they need to speak up and let a teacher know, but I know that sometimes telling a teacher doesn't work and only makes it worse, but that is still no reason to not tell the teacher if something like this is going on

Four Reasons to Speak Up about Bullying,
  1. So the teacher know whats happening
  2. A teacher may be able to help
  3. So next time it happens the teacher will be on watch for it
  4. It might stop
The best thing I can tell you is to stand up for for yourself and I don't mean start a fight with then, what I mean is show them that your not easy pray. But back to the main topic, what I want everyone to is click the link at the top of this post and write your senators with the pre-written form and some your support for the issue I also ask you to write your senators about an anti-bullying bill that will help with the issue at hand. Because America is government of the people the Deceleration Of Independence says "We The People" and that means the American people run the government not congress or the senate, but we do. So I want to start a campaign called "The National Speak Up" which I will be making a Facebook and Twitter page for , and I will post it up ASAP in a link so you will know about when it's done.

Monday, June 06, 2011

About this Blog/ Your Story

I wanted to let everyone know that I'm not here to entertain you, I am here to inform you about yourself and what  you do to your body and mind and how your messing it up with all this religious bullshit and can not see that all paths lead to God or whatever you believe in. I will not conform to your views on how I should act and how I should present myself to people, because if they don't like it then I could care less what the fuck they think about me; because that's the problem with society today everyone cares about what other people think about them and only do good deeds because it makes them look better and gives them some kind of hubris feeling of self-worth, now I'll admit that there are a few people out there that do good deeds just because, but it's not enough to move forward as one race then we must all be accepting of other people no matter what they believe in even if it's a rock, tree, Goddess, or God. This is blog is not for me, but it's for you the readers and future readers in the years to come. This is not a blog for Big Business and I will not lie to you I will always give it to you Str8 for this will be "Talk You Can Trust". This not blog for hate speech or anything else for that matter this is a blog for YOU. Tell me anything and everything for I will listen and allow you to get negative feelings off your chest, for I am that shoulder for you to cry on I will rid  you of you deepest fear and never tell you that what you did is your fault, because I believe that "Everyone Has A Story" so with that being said I want you to tell me your story, but don't do it for me or anyone else do it for you then I want you to take that video or letter to yourself and put it somewhere you can see it and everyday look at it and say that I don't want to be that person anymore, I want to be more than that person, I want to be all of me, and I want my life to be simple and have no puppet master pulling my strings and telling me what to do. I want you to remember this phase and say it everyday when you wake up in the morning "I'm not who I'm trying to be". This will serve as a reminder of why you're doing this.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Young Girls

Whenever I go to a park, mall, beach/ pool, or some other place I can look around and see little girls as young as nine years old and they're wearing something that young girls in the 8o's & 90's, I remember seeing this girl about twelve years old at Wal-mart in Florida and she was wearing these short black shorts that were so tight and short that they showed the whole shape of her "feminine area", when I saw her the first thing I thought was "how could her mother let her leave the house like that", but some parents these days let their kids run them, so I just want to tell them if your not going to teach your daughter self-respect then that goes to show people how much you respect yourself; mothers the best thing you can teach your daughters and sons  is self-respect. Fathers don't think about you, because you could do the same thing while also teaching them to respect the generation that came before them by making them say "Yes Sir/No Sir" and "Yes Ma'am/No Ma'am" and "Thank You/No Thank You", and some fathers need to man up and take care of their kids, but that's another blog for another time.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Assyro-Babylonian Literature

Assyro-Babylonian Literature, texts written in the Assyro-Babylonian between the 3rd millennium BC and roughly the time of Jesus Christ. Most Assyro-Babylonian cuneiform tablets deal with science, economics, administrative
policies(in the form of letters), and law, including one of the greatest of all legal documents, The Code of Hammurabi. A wide variety of purely literary genres, however, also exists. Among them are epics and myths; historical chronicles and royal annals; historical romances in poetic form; hymns and prayers, incantations and rituals, and texts dealing with magick and divination; collections of proverbs and precept; disputations such as fanciful literary debates between animals, trees, or the like; and remarkable poetic narratives dealing with the problem of human misery. Most of this body of literature is in the Babylonian dialect of the southern part of Mesopotamia(modern Iraq). Those texts written in the Assyrian dialect of the north consist of historical inscriptions, business documents, oracles, and rituals, and official letters; existing literary texts in Assyrian are copies or adaptations of Babylonian originals. The preservation of Assyro-Babylonian literature is, in fact, due to Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, who sent scholars to copy old Assyro-Babylonian cuneiform tablets; thousands of these transcriptions(many now in the British Museum in London were collected in his library at Nineveh. The longest Babylonian epic poems are the Creation Epic and the Gilgamesh Epic. The former, consisting of seven tablets, deals with the struggle between cosmic order and primeval chaos. The secular Gilgamesh Epic, written about 2000BC on 12 cuneiform tablets, concerns the hero's fruitless search for immortality. Masterfully woven together from an older series of separate Sumerian tales, this epic poem had great popular appeal in antiquity. It is of interest to modern biblical scholars because of its reference to a Noah-like character who survived a great flood.(see Deluge and Genesis 6:9)

The Epic of Zu tells of the theft of the Tablets of Destiny from the Gods by the evil bird Zu and of their recovery by the warrior god Ninurta. The search for the plant of birth by the shepherd Etana, who ultimately founded the first dynasty after the deluge, is related in the Epic of Etana. Among other Babylonian epics and myths are The Descent of Ishter to the Netherworld; Atrahasis, which deals with human sin and its punishment through plagues and the deluge; and Nergal and Ereshkigal, concerning marriage of the divinities who ruled the netherworld. Other important works are the Babylonian Theodicy, a poetic dialogue about a Job-like righteous sufferer; a satirical dialogue, The Master and His Obliging Servant; and a recently discovered folktale, The Poor Man of Nippur, which seems to be the ancestor of one, of the stories in the Arabian Nights. Among significant historical romances in poetic form are The Cuthaean Legend, concerning the defeat of King Naram-Sin(reigned about 2255-2218BC) of Akkad;The King of Battle, dealing with a miliary expedition to Anatolia led by Sargon I(reigned about 2335-2279BC) of Akkad; and The Epic of Tukulti-Ninurta, describing the defeat of the Babylonians by the Assyrians.


Leviathan, in the bible, one of the names of the primeval dragon subdued by Yahweh at the outset of creation: "You crushed Leviathan's heads, gave him as food to the wild animals "(Psalm 74:14; see also Isaiah 27:1; Job 27:1; and Amos 9:3). Biblical writers also Rahab (Job 9:3; Psalm 89:10) or simply as the Abyss (Habakkuk 3:10). The biblical references to the battle between Yahweh and Leviathan reflect the Syro-Palestinian version of a myth, creation is represented as the victory of the creator-God over a monster of claos. The closest parallel to the biblical versions of the story appears in the Canaanite Texts from Ra's Shamrah (14th century BCE), in which Baal defeats a dragon-like monster: "You will crush Leviathan the fleeing serpent, you will consume the twisting serpent, the mighty one with seven heads ." ( The wording of Isaiah 27:1 draws directly on this text.) A more ancient version of the myth occurs in the Babylonian Creation Epic, in which the storm god Marduk defeats the sea monster Tiamat and creates the Earth and the Sky by cleaving her corpse in two (see Assyro-Babylonian Literature). The Latter motif is reflected in a few biblical passages that extol Yahweh's military valor: "Was it not you who split Rahab in half, who pierced the dragon through?" (Isaiah 51:9; see also Job 26:12; Psalm 74:13, 89:10). The basic pattern of the Leviathan myth recurs in the Greek story of the battle between Zeus and the many-headed dragon Typhon, recounted by Hesiod in the Thogony. It may also lie behind the much later legend of Saint George and the dragon, which is set in northern Syria. In the Jewish Apocalyptic Writings it is foretold that Leviathan will break out of captivity at the end of present era, but will suffer a second and final defeat at the hands of God (2 Esdras 6:52; 2 Baruch 29:3-8). The apocalyptic version was probably influenced by parallel Iranian beliefs. In the New Testament, the many-headed dragon of Revelation chapter 12 shares a number of characteristics with Leviathan-- particular, it functions as an embodiment of the forces hostile to God. In later Christian lore, Leviathan came to be identified with the "Great Fish" in which Jonah spent three days and three nights (Jonah 2:1), and subsequently with hell.