Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Legislation: Assembly approves bill to require textbooks and history lessons to include contributions of gays - latimes.com

Legislation: Assembly approves bill to require textbooks and history lessons to include contributions of gays - latimes.com

First California then the word, we need more LGBTQ books in the classroom to educate people about the community and what we're about and that we're just like everybody else and are only looking for somebody to love and care for the rest of our lives it's not about sexual perversion and finding the next "fuck". It's always been about love and be accepted as a whole like everybody else hell the KKK get more respect for what they believe in then the LGBTQ community, even though no one likes it they still respect their right to assemble and not many people protest their rallies as much as they protest the rallies of the LGBTQ community you would think the hate is a more important issue to try and stop. Than two gays or women getting married. I'm bisexual I like girls more, and could care less what someone else does in their bedroom, because it their business and no one else's. I know that some of you are not going to like what i'm saying here, but frankly I don't give a fuck what you think just as I have the the right to say this you have that same right to say what you feel about this post.

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