Saturday, September 10, 2011

Being a grown-up (Fatherhood/Manhood)

I want to talk about how some preteen and teen boys think that the more girls they have sex with the more of a man it makes them and there is a slang phrase I think started with young black boys and it goes something like this "Did you bun her" or something like that and I think it means something about getting a girl pregnant and that's really sad if it does mean that, if not can someone knows what it means please tell me in the comments. So that being said I want to tell all of the young boys out there who are sexually active to stop having so much anonymous sex or to at least always use a condom, also to all the young boys out there who are still virgins there is no shame in being a virgin, so don't let your friends/classmates pressure you into having sex for the first time and don't believe all the myths about sex, just wait until you meet someone who you really love, but when I say love I'm not talking about "puppy love", I'm talking about real love, the kind of love where when you're away from your boyfriend/girlfriend it feels as if you can't live without them. About true love you can only know if it's real when you are a real man and that means you know when it's time to stop doing all these childish actives and grow up, like if you smoke Marijuana, Weed, Purple Haze, Blueberry, Mary Jane, Spongebob, Seven Second, Bubble Gum, or whatever you call it you have to know when to put it down and take care of your responsibilities and if you had unprotected sex and your girlfriend is carrying your child, scared or not don't run out on your child man up and be a father to your child, I know most boys and girls reading this are from fatherless homes and most of the boys reading will not know how to be a father because their father wasn't there for them, but you should know that the girl is just as scare of making a mistake as you are so remember it will come to you, plus you can always ask your parent(s) for help I'm sure your mothers will help you, so don't be afraid to make a mistake and there are plenty of agencies in your city & state to help you learn before the child is born and most High Schools in the United States have programs to help as well. And to all the sexually active girls out there who need to stop trapping boys by saying that you're pregnant and you're not or saying that some other boy's child is theirs when it's not just because you want them to be the father of your child, it's not right, because girls you don't need a boy to help take care of your child as I said before just ask your mother to for help she'll help you and of course you'll get a lecture about how you should of just stayed a virgin and none of this would have happened speech, but that's to be expected so don't let that stop you from asking for help. As for the boys who are reading this don't suspect that all girls lie, give them a chance to show you their true colors, but they will not show in just a few days you have to show them that you're a real man and to anyone out there who does have children, be something that your own father wasn't and be there for your child(ren) and teach them right from wrong, respect for themselves and others, teach them to respect their elders. Because just doing those things will make you a better man, but the way I see it young boys and girls need to focus on being young and going to school and collage if that's a part of your plan for your life. Being a man is more than just having your own place or your own car, it's being able to decide and make the right choices for your life, because you could be living with your mother and be more of a man than some who does have their own house and car. Now I'm not saying that having those things are bad, because if you do then good for you, but don't put yourself on a "high horse" because you do. Having a car can show you who your real friends are. The reason I wrote this is because I want to inform people that being a man is a mentality and based on what you own or how much money you make, try making a tough choice for once in your life and never think that you know everything, because there is always more to learn and from the strangest people you could meet up with in the future as you get older. Always remember those who came before you.                            

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