Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama Care

With the health care bill passing it has made it so every American has good affordable health care, yeah taxes are going to go up, but we're taking about health care no matter what was done to the bill. It would have still cost the same, I like this bill because at least this bill is telling you right out what you're paying for. Unlike the one the republicans were proposing, one where they hid valuable information from the American people, I vote unenrolled, but in the last to elections I voted democrat, why well because I liked what they had to offer, but if republicans weren't so "back and forth" I would have voted for one of them. One of these days someone needs to run for president and pick a democrat as their running mate and the same goes for a democrat running for president they need to pick a republican as a running mate. I say that because it would show real bipartisanship to the American people. All comments are welcome as long as they're respectful.

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