Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Is Racism Alive in the United States....

That answer is varied depending on who ask, in my view is that there are spots of racism around the country in various states, cities, and towns. When it comes down to it most racism takes place in small towns and cities where and I hate to come off as a racist for saying this, but it's always in areas where whites are the minority and blacks are the majority and the white population in the area feel threatened because the main stream media paint a picture of blacks as criminals and not all black people are criminals.

The point of this is because of what's happening in Ferguson, Mo. you have the main stream media only showing people looting, stealing, and rioting and are saying that the people of Ferguson are trying to deescalate the situation themselves, but not showing them doing it they have all this coverage to show the ones rioting, but not a single camera is live when the residents are trying to deescalate the situation themselves. I guess all the main stream media care about is showing fear and I've been watching CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. This isn't how the media is suppose to report on an incident of this magnitude they(the media) should all be reporting the same way and not promoting fear among the populous of the United States. The media at the moment is always trying to make the US fear something if it isn't terrorists they're trying to make minorities look like thugs and criminals to the rest of the country we need a news media that reports on issues in an unbiased nature so all news no matter which one you watch you will get the same news from each of them.

And when it comes to the police in the United States they need to hire more minorities so they have a proportionate number to represent the communities they serve like in Ferguson, Mo. where a majority of the population is black they should have more then three black police officers doing so would help in making the black residents feel they are equally represented.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Looking for independent Reporters and Correspondents

Str8 Talk News is looking for anyone interested  in being a news reporter or a news correspondent and wants to work in a stress and deadline free environment from the comfort of their home or would like to be an on location reporter. Str8 Talk News accepts all applicants who are serious about reporting an local and international stories and giving people a straight answer without having to worry about ratings. Here at Str8 Talk News we give our reporters and correspondents the freedom to speak their mind as long as their opinions don't cloud the news story they're reporting on. That being said there is only one requirement for anyone who wants to work for Str8 Talk News and that is to be able to report in an unbiased manner. This is an unpaid job for the time being until  Str8 Talk News gets off the ground and becomes a household name in the news world. We also like people who show a passion for what they do. Str8 Talk News is a platform for independent reporters and correspondents or any budding journalist who wants to get started in the News Media world.

Contact John Andrade for more information

Email: Str8 Talk News Editor in Chief
Please put in the subject line "Str8 Talk News Offer"

Friday, June 13, 2014

Republicans Hypocrisy and the President's Policy

So I was waiting C-SPAN and the Republicans and saying that President Barack Obama has to do something about the Middle East on the matters of Syria and Iraq. As in they wanted him to leave troops in Iraq and to take a more direct stance against Syria during their civil war.

When it comes to Syria I'm with the President on that one and to not get involved as it doesn't effect the lives of american citizens Syria has to deal with their own problems as Syria deems fit while we may not like them it's their country and, but if sometime in the future Syria's civil war effects the lives of American Citizens then and only then should the president get involved and if something like that happens I will look into the President's plan of action on Syria to see if it deserves my support.

About Iraq it's time we leave that country we've been there for 10+ years and lost too many soldiers most of them young men no younger than I am and I'm 26 years old, some of them are only 19 years old no parent a mother or father should never have to bury their child. While on the subject of our soldiers I think we need to better care for our veterans within this country, they have sacrificed so much so we can have the freedoms we have now and we can't even provide them the basic healthcare that need no that they deserve for everything they did and do for this great nation. I respect every member of the US armed services from the United States Army, United States Marine Corps, United States Air Force, United States Navy and the Navy Seals, United States Coast Guard every branch of the United States Armed Forces has my respect and admiration.

We need to show the 113th congress that the time for games is over and work has to be done to make this country something the founding fathers could be proud of.