Saturday, December 26, 2009

Children Masturbating

If you catch you child masturbating then now would be the time for you to talk with them about their body, don't tell them that it's wrong to do it even if you're a Christan just tell them that what they do should be a personal thing and alone, but not everyday and that it shouldn't take up all of their time, you should also tell them that no one should touch them "down there" at all for any reason, and take the time to explane what the doctor is doing when they touch them "down there" so there is no confusion of what is going on. Why am I writing this, because when you tell your kids that something as harmless as masturbation you do more harm than good, and you could scar them for life.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Roles of Men and women

According to the bible women are equal to men, but are to be submissive to their husbands, now that doesn't mean that women are slaves to their husbands, but equals in every way, but how can someone be equal while subordinate to another person. Well first they're that person's other half and do whatever that person can not do and according to the book "Twelve Extraordinary Women" by John MacArthur, women share the same essential nature and are no different from men the only thing that is different is what's between our legs. Women are in no way inferior beings, but in many ways are more equipped to do certain things better than men.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

My Books I have coming out

I have three books I'm in the process of writing
  • Short Stories Of An Unusual Nature
  • The Dragon Fighter
  • The Book Of Guidance
The first book to come out will be Short Stories Of An Unusual Nature which I will release on Nov. 1, 2009.

If you have any questions email at the above email address with "Book Question" in the subject line thank you and I hope you enjoy my blog.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Little Kids "Freak Dancing"

Here is another video of parents who let there kids act all grown up. Some people say that this all good fun and it means nothing, but why the hell would you put it on video like this, like I said in my last blog if you think it's cute then watch it, but don't record it and go on YouTube or MySpace with it just to get famous and get people to talk about you. If you want to do get famous then record yourself dancing like that and not your kids or someone's else kids for that matter, let your kids be kids. Now if you listen real closely to the video it sounds like someone is telling them what to do in Spanish.

Video is a little loud so turn your speakers down some before pressing play.

Where are the parents at (Kids Shaking their asses on video)

This is a message to the parents of those kids now I hope that nothing happens to your kids, but if something does it your own fault you brought it upon yourself. Number one as soon as you seen your kid get down on her hands and knees shaking her ass like she's grown you should have grabbed her up and beat her ass and took her home, but no you went and grabbed the video camera filmed it. Now I know think that just because you turned the sound off it okay, but it not. Anyway with the three tenths of a second of sound there is on the video everyone at that party sound happy and by the looks on everyone's faces you'll just encouraging it to continue. You my friend are the winner of the "Bad Parent of The Year" award hope you have a nice life you stupid bitch.
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Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Pagan Code(APOVST)

There is no anger, There is only peace
with peace there is order
with order there is victory
with victory there is strength
with strength there is truth
The truth shall set you free.

(C)(R)All Rights for this video belong to J-Entertainment, Inc.